Screaming With No Voice - Part 2

My Karate Teacher May Have Saved My Life!

Trent Fox
18 min readMar 12, 2023
Photo by DDP on Unsplash

My first story about finding the courage to stand up to my abusive father at 17 was hard to write. I finally stood up to him and didn’t realize at the time that I might be putting my life at risk.


This event triggered an open battle with my father over the next 2+ years and I almost died. The picture of kitchen knives is significant because when I was 19 he attacked me with a butcher knife. He kept a loaded .32 revolver in the top of his closet and threatened to shoot me several times.

So why did I stay in this terrible situation that threatened my life? I have asked myself that question many times over the years and all I can offer is that I was trapped by my own fear and programming to just take whatever he dished out and not fight back. I also feared for my younger brother and sister and stayed to shield them from his abuse.

Why do people put up with domestic abuse like this? I don’t have all the answers but one that stands out is that people…



Trent Fox

I am retired and at age 72 I am writing about growing up in the South and living in CA. Also about 30 years performing stand-up comedy.