I am an old baby boomer living his best life in a challenging world. After working for a Dutch software company for many years I retired in 2010 to be a stay at home Dad for my two girls that we adopted from China in the early 2000s. Well, now they are both in college and I miss them very much but it does give me more free time to write. Before the pandemic I was back on stage in my home town performing stand-up comedy. I started in 1987 and worked open mic nights in clubs around the country as I traveled for business.

Now I live in a 100 year old craftsman bungalow with my wonderful wife, two Australian Shepherds and 3 cats.

I hope you will enjoy my writing as I try to mix it up to keep it interesting.

Enjoy the Ride!

Medium member since February 2021
Trent Fox

Trent Fox

I am retired and at age 72 I am writing about growing up in the South and living in CA. Also about 30 years performing stand-up comedy. Trentfox59@gmail.com